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Tomcat Interview Questions and Answers

Question: How do you create multiple virtual hosts?
Answer: If you want tomcat to accept requests for different hosts e.g. then you must
  • Create ${catalina.home}/www/appBase , ${catalina.home}/www/deploy, and ${catalina.home}/conf/Catalina/
  • Add a host entry in the server.xml file 
  • Create the the following file under conf/Catalina/ 
  • Add any parameters specific to this hosts webapp to this context file 
  • Put your war file in ${catalina.home}/www/deploy 
  • When tomcat starts, it finds the host entry, then looks for any context files and will start any apps with a context.
To add more sites just repeat and rinse, all webapps can share the same war file location and appbase.
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